This bug has been driving me round the bend now for three releases of
Ubuntu. Edgy, Feisty and Gutsy. I really don't know why it isn't
getting fixed, any ideas?

Using network manager and the madwifi drivers (atheros chipset) cause
the user to be disconnected from the access point at regular

This bug seems to be knocking around in lots of incarnations and the
problem seems to be this:

1) The madwifi drivers don't support 'background scanning'
2) Network manager instructs the atheros based card to scan for access
points in the background whilst it is already associated with an
access point.

Because the madwifi drivers don't support background scanning, when
the instruction to begin background scanning is given then the network
card disassociates with the access point, disconnecting the user.

This bug is a show stopper for any new user, as they are unlikely to
dig into the problem to find out what's causing it.

Bugs with similar info:

Changing network manager so that it only scans for access points, when
the card is not connected to an access point seems to fix the problem.

This bug has seriously turned some people off Ubuntu but no-one seems
to want to take responsibility for it...


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