>  I think you are correct in that companies (directors managers etc) are
> looking for IT process. But IT departments are run by those people. The
> heads of IT/IT Managers/IT Directors/CTOs (who are on 50k+) are responsible
> for such business. The IT department, or the team itself needs to be made up
> of geeks: sys admin,programmers,support etc. (< 50k)
>  Perhaps the problem comes in where too many people are aiming for the large
> salary too early! But hey, who can blame them! I'd love a salary like that!

I kind of agree, but things are a-changing. Up until a few months ago,
I was chugging along as a happy techie in a departmental IT team when
all of a sudden, crash bang awallop - ITIL happened!

Departmental IT was dissolved, and a few of us (including yours-truly)
got redeployed into service level management teams to work as a bridge
between IT and the customer.

No more do I get to fiddle with the gadgets that I love so much (well,
not at work anyway!) as my job now consists of helping organise
projects, reviewing SLA's and general non-techie megubbins. I'd love a
Linux job! But it seems that a lot of IT work in the country is
sliding away from the techie and to the suit :-(



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