Michael Holloway wrote:
> 2. How many Linux users would buy a one? I'm not sure i can answer this, but 
> i imagine not too many. Most linux users like to customise their machines, 
> and put all the latest and greatest (or cheapest and oldest) compenents into 
> it.

10 years ago, that would have been me. In fact, about 10 years ago I 
_did_ build my Own PC (a Pentium-90 in fact.)

Now, I want a machine that works, with an operating system that works.

Don't get me wrong - I work in IT, I'm into the latest toys as much as 
the next geek, but desktop O/Ss aren't an exciting playground for me 
compared to Ajax apps :-)

As I said, I want a machine that works, with an operating system that 
works. Hmm... let me think? Should I go with (out of date) XP? Should I 
go with (utterly, cripplingly slow) Vista? or... can we think of another 
O/S that might run a lot faster on modern laptop hardware AND be more 

I'd be INCREDIBLY tempted to go with a pre-installed, 
manufacturer-supported, Linux-laptop next time round.

Mainstream buyers have a different mind-set, and the "Dell with Ubuntu 
pre-installed" is hitting a lot more of those buttons than "download 
this distribution" ever did.

The worst case is that Dell do the work (or get Canonical to) to come up 
with a standard image for their Ubuntu laptops, and that image sits on a 
server farm in Ireland not being installed from much. Net cost to Dell, 
a small amount of disk space. Net benefit to Dell, marginal increase in 
customer choice.

Marginal benefit to Ubuntu - huge - endorsement from Dell that our 
chosen distro is supported by the biggest and the best. (Yes, I know, HP 
/ IBM / RedHat, but heh... Dell has the biggest mindshare for desktops / 
laptops, I suspect.)

And, for people like me, who are already on pure Ubuntu-servers at work 
(4 in the operational farm, 2 development servers, and a spare box 
sitting around to swap in in the event of catasrophic hardware failure), 
this has a marginal benefit to ME even if I never buy a Dell Linux 
Laptop - it helps convince my board (who to be fair, I've trained to 
trust my technical judgement) that I am backing the right horse with 




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