On Tue, Sep 04, 2007 at 10:31:18PM +0100, John Levin wrote:
> I'd like to suggest, for the late-waking Londoners, the Pembury Tavern 
> in Hackney.
> http://www.individualpubs.co.uk/pembury/
> I know it's a bit out of the way, and I admit I've not been there since 
> it reopened, but it has wireless and runs linux. See the last issue of 
> Linux User and Developer for the full story, or this blog post:
> http://erik-fuller.blogspot.com/2007/05/now-here-is-pub-that-isnt-going-to-be.html

Steve's a friend of mine and a former Debian developer (see
xorg/debian/rules, for instance), and the Pembury's a fine pub. I second
that recommendation.

Colin Watson                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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