>> i have more
>> computer related intellect than the majority of comp science degree grads.
> No offense, but saying things like that does not get you a job and
> does not make you automatically better than people with CS degree's.
> Regards,
Sorry did not mean to be arrogant, like I said it was just a rant really 
i have been searching for weeks for jobs which from experience i have 
done better quicker and more competently than people who have degree 
level qualifications and falling at every hurdle some would say its my 
own fault for not going to university and gaining said qualifications 
but at that age I decided to join the parachute regiment instead and now 
have a wife and baby ( wife is in uni studying to be a midwife  )  so 
its not viable for me to go back to education.

Anyway apologies to any CS grads that I have upset I was not presuming 
to be better than you just speaking from the experience of CS grads I 
have met in the past ( and their errors I've had to correct )


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