alan c wrote:
> I rarely capture streaming video and it seems I am often facing new 
> issues  :-)
> I have become experienced with using firefox  to view a clip, then 
> using the firefox cached file to replay the clip off line.
> However an OLPC video of one hour seems to exceed a size and things do 
> not work.
> the olpc clip is
> and it plays ok, I can also see a cache file (files) increasing in 
> size with time by invoking konqueror refresh occasionally (I am using 
> kubuntu 7.04).
> In firefox preferences I have set preferences>content>file types> 
> manage to ask that swf and spl files (flash) are saved to disk, and 
> set the Advanced> Network cache size to 2000MB of cache size. However, 
> the firefox cache file seems to reach 60MB and then stop increasing in 
> size (then disappears!). This corresponds to about 45 minutes of the 
> 61 minute clip. when the 2000MB cache size was a smaller number, the 
> cached file stopped at a smaller size, so maybe I will try using an 
> even larger number.  (I did, but it did not seem to change the 
> automatic disappearance of the cache file at least. Not sure what file 
> size was attained though)
> I have watched the particular clip now so many times that I know it by 
> heart (my various experiments) - but I am still curious about what is 
> happening to limit the cache file.
> Shorter videos play ok too (for example 15 minutes), but the cache 
> files seem to persist and do not disappear!
> comments appreciated
with the URL

It's downloading for me 90 megs so it'll be a while before I can check 
the quality.


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