On Thu, 2007-09-27 at 09:22 +0100, Michael Erskine wrote:
> Hi folks,
> Every couple of months I return to the disappointing world of video editing 
> on 
> Linux:

:( Bummer isn't it.

>  I get the latest of each package and watch each one fail to open files 
> and segfault all over the place. I've tried kino, lives, cinelerra, and 
> plenty more, the names of which I forget.

I have seen people swear by cinelerra, but they I have also seen people
swear _at_ cinelerra. My mate Hugo calls it "The emacs of video

The Source (a video podcast) use cinelerra and have provided some
tutorials on its use if that helps.


To edit screencasts I use avidemux, the versions in Ubuntu Feisty and
Gutsy. My requirements are pretty slim. I just open the (mpeg2) video
(with no audio) and trim out he bits I don't need. I then save it, and
use avidemux to chain together a set of videos (File -> Open, then
repeated File -> Append), then save back out as mpeg2 again. Later I add
an audio track and write it out again as mpeg2 with mp2 audio.

Finally I use ffmpeg to do all the conversion to other video

One of the constraints I put on myself when creating screencasts is that
I should use free/open source software wherever possible. This means
that I don't use video editors on Mac/Windows even though there are
really great (and expensive) ones available. I'm an "eat your own
dogfood" kinda person, but not to the point of zealotry, I mean, I make
the videos available in flash format for a start! :) 

I recently downloaded mainactor which looks really sweet - but also hung
on my machine a few times :(. Shame it's been discontinued. I understand
there is a movement to get the vendor to open source the product so
development can continue. It's certainly better than any other video
editor I have used on Linux. I'd certainly put my hand in my pocket to
donate to the cause if I thought they would open the code up.

Just my 2p.


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