Well done Popey  :)    I'm sure you're up to the task - you deserve it

btw can I have the 100 quid backhander you promised to each and every
person who voted for you now pls... ?


On 30/09/2007, Mark Jose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sunday 30 September 2007 16:14, Alan Pope wrote:
> > According to this:-
> >
> > https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-uk/+poll/ubuntu-uk-point-of-contact
> >
> > Some people voted and by a nose I seem to have "won" the post of "Point
> > of Contact for the Ubuntu-UK LoCo Team".
> >
> > Yay! (I think).
> Indeed - congrats Alan!
> >
> > Firstly I'd like to thank Nik Butler for all his hard work herding sheep
> > over the last 18 months or so. I wish him all the best with his
> > endeavours outside Ubuntu-UK and of course as with anyone he's welcome
> > to continue contributing to the team where time permits.
> >
> > Some things I'd like to say in brief.
> >
> > * It was a close result so clearly there are people who relate to the
> > "pitch" that others gave. As such I would very much like to call on the
> > skills of those people who put forward suggestions to help develop and
> > deliver on those ideas.
> >
> > * Not many people voted (44 out of a possible 260+). Possibly down to
> > the accelerated schedule we set up for the vote, voter apathy or maybe
> > something else. We need to look at whether that number is fair and
> > representative (maybe only 44 people actually 'contribute' to Ubuntu-UK,
> > maybe only 44 people saw the mail) and if it isn't, look at ways to
> > improve that.
> >
> I didn't vote. I looked at the comments from the candidates and it was a tough
> choice! Not having met any of the candidates personally, I would have had to
> decide based on a few lines of comment plus posts to the list.
> Mark
> --
> ubuntu-uk@lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-uk
> https://wiki.kubuntu.org/UKTeam/

'In letters of gold, on a snow-white kite, I will write "I Love You!"
And send it soaring high above you, for all to read!'

RIP Billy M 1957-1997


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