Mark Harrison wrote:
>>> The question is quite simply do you want the election to be held
>>> again, yes or no?
> I don't recognise the authority of this list as the right place to ask 
> that question :-)
> Note to the hard of thinking - that was sarcasm, OK.
> I am AMAZED at how much MORE traffic something relatively simple, like 
> electing a well-respected, experienced Ubuntu Advocate to be PoC has 
> generated... relative to stuff like, say, the launch coming up in 2 
> weeks time.

Hello, Mark.

I've quietly ignored the 'vote' traffic until now. It's a well known 
phenomenon that people post messages on mailing lists (and news groups) 
like this a lot more when 'political' issues are raised than when the 
actual topic of the list or newsgroup is discussed. I think this list is 
quite well behaved, but like any other it has had its 'bad' times too.

I guess it's just human nature. Some people like to be the 'organisers' 
and represent their perceived constituency. Others, like me, are just 
happy to share opinions and ideas with other people. I value this list a 
lot because it puts me in touch with people who have common interests in 
using and promoting Ubuntu. However, I'd just like to remind everyone 
that there is already a network of LUG's (Linux User groups) in the UK:

I think Ubuntu is great, but let's not forget Linux is more than Ubuntu.

Best wishes,

Dr. A.J.Travis,                     |  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Rowett Research Institute,          |
Greenburn Road, Bucksburn,          |   phone:+44 (0)1224 712751
Aberdeen AB21 9SB, Scotland, UK.    |     fax:+44 (0)1224 716687


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