
On Wed, 2007-10-10 at 10:19 +0100, Philip Newborough wrote:
> I'm off to an install party tomorrow night and I've arranged with the
> organiser to take along some Ubuntu disks. Basically, what are your
> opinions on which version to take along?

Personally I would not install gutsy on someone elses computer. My
computers are my responsibility, if I balls them up I have nobody else
to blame but me.

How about installing feisty and giving them instructions on how to
upgrade to gutsy when it releases - maybe show them a screencast :)


That one shows how to upgrade from one release to another.

> I've got a feeling I'll probably end up taking a mix, however it'd be
> nice to hear what your opinions are.

You could also take Gutsy alternate CDs, so that you could install
feisty, and give them the alternate CD to upgrade from (if they wish),
then it's their responsibility if they naff it up.

> BTW - I'm still running Feisty and have yet to try Gutsy, I really
> should pull my finger out and try the Beta but my systems are running
> very smoothly at the mo and I have quite a bit of work on.

I run Gutsy on three laptops and one server and Feisty on one desktop
and my main server. I'm loving Gutsy.

> More info about the meeting can be read at:
> http://crunchbang.org/archives/2007/10/09/lincs-lug-meeting-and-install-party/

Good luck!

Take photos, and if you spend a lot of time doing ubuntu based
activities you could blog it and submit the link to Ubuntu Weekly News.


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