Philip Newborough wrote:
> On 10/10/2007, Rob Beard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Philip Newborough wrote:
>>> Hello list
>>> I'm off to an install party tomorrow night and I've arranged with the
>>> organiser to take along some Ubuntu disks. Basically, what are your
>>> opinions on which version to take along?
>>> I've got a feeling I'll probably end up taking a mix, however it'd be
>>> nice to hear what your opinions are.
>>> BTW - I'm still running Feisty and have yet to try Gutsy, I really
>>> should pull my finger out and try the Beta but my systems are running
>>> very smoothly at the mo and I have quite a bit of work on.
>>> More info about the meeting can be read at:
>>> Regards
>>> Philip
>> Are the participants going to be new users?
> To be honest, I'm not sure. It's at the University and I'm assuming
> it's been advertised on the notice boards and such like. I know the
> Uni already uses some Ubuntu and Debian based machines so it maybe
> only those already with some Linux experience turn up.
>> I'd say take along both and try both versions and see how they run.  I'm
>> in a similar situation, I'm installing Ubuntu on a work colleague's home
>> PC, I'm not sure if I should install 7.04 or ask them to hang on a
>> fortnight and install 7.10 (although saying that, I have a feeling their
>> hard drive is on the way out, at least something in their PC is making a
>> knocking noise) so that might decide it for them.
>> Rob
> Good luck with that - it sounds a bit ominous :D
> Cheers
> Philip

Thanks, yep turns out the drive is duff, I've let them know, by the time 
they're back from holiday Gutsy will be out anyway :-)

Not sure how well Ubuntu Gutsy would run on an Athlon XP 1700 with 512MB 
memory though.



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