Alan, is there anything you _DON'T_ know?

I bet you don't know what my favourite brand of tea is!

On 16/10/2007, Rob Beard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Alan Pope wrote:
> > Hi Rob,
> > On Tue, 2007-10-16 at 22:25 +0100, Rob Beard wrote:
> >> We've had a new member of the Devon & Cornwall LUG asking if there are
> >> any Ubuntu/Kubuntu training courses in the Plymouth area.  As far as I'm
> >> aware there currently isn't anything like that going on in the area..
> >>
> >
> > Canonical (and the wider Ubunutu community) are currently developing an
> > Ubuntu Desktop course. It's not finished yet, but we're working on it a
> > chapter at a time. You can see the first drafts of some chapters here:-
> >
> >
> >
> > Note: It really is early on in the development of this course, and it it
> > intended to be collaboratively edited, so if you see any omissions or
> > errors then you can check out the changes and modify them yourself. The
> > instructions for doing his are on this page:-
> >
> >
> >
> > Alternatively make a list of gotchas and mail them to me and I'll make
> > sure they get considered/included/passed-on as appropriate.
> >
> >> In the mean time I've pointed this new LUG member in the direction of
> >> the Ubuntu-UK web site (I mentioned there is a great mailing list and
> >> some really useful screen casts that can show her visually how to do
> >> things).
> >>
> >
> > Yay! We take requests too!
> >
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Al.
> >
> Great, thanks for those links Al.  I like the idea of running a 2 day
> course, I've mentioned it on my local LUG mailing list.
> Rob
> --

Matthew G Larsen


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