On Tue, 2007-10-16 at 23:38 +0000, Josh Blacker wrote:
> Am currently all booted up in gutsy rc live cd, but going through the
> installer it doesn't seem to be very intelligent about me having user
> profiles in my /home partition. It detects the ones from my Windows
> partition, but not the Ubuntu ones. Any ideas on why this is, and why
> I am prompted to enter new user information? I would have thought it
> would be able to see my exisiting Ubuntu /home.

Well, there's nothing to "import" from your existing home directory is
there? If you want to "use" that partition, all that Gutsy needs to know
is where it is, and it will mount it. 

So during the partition section you need to specify which partition you
want to be swap, which is / and which is /home. Make sure you tell it
not to format /home, but it will want to format / I suspect :)


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