On Sun, 2007-10-28 at 10:07 +0000, Darren Mansell wrote:
> I'm thinking now is about the right time to really introduce the 
> uninitiated to Ubuntu.
> We are at about critical mass where software and hardware companies 
> can't just ignore Linux so lets take it a step further.
> I think the majority of people will have heard Ubuntu either 
> subliminally or consciously so I think a TV advert will have a far 
> greater effect than it may seem.
> Does anyone have any information on how much a TV advert on mainstream 
> TV would cost? How much it costs to place it at certain times? (e.g. in 
> the middle of the Gadget Show on five). And how much does it vary 
> between channels like Bravo / Men&Motors and ITV / Ch4?
> I'm wondering if we could start a donation fund then ask Canonical to 
> match what we raise or go directly to Mark Shuttleworth or something.
> Think about what we could do with the advert, the talent of the 
> Open-Source community coming together with ideas and contributions. We 
> could show Compiz Fusion against Aero. Make a joke about the cost, 
> something like a fake shopping channel where the orange guy shows off 
> this fab Operating System and the cost is on the screen as £0.00 and all 
> hell breaks loose with people ringing in for it etc. and they think the 
> price must be wrong on the screen. You get the idea.
> What do you think?
I think TV would be a bit expensive (toyed with the idea myself)
Maybe a newspaper or radio ad?
eg The Times:


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