>> Mac wrote:
>>> Do you use Ubuntu on a laptop + wifi?
>>> And, if you do, do you use
>>> no encryption / WEP / WPA / WPA2
>>> with ESSID broadcast / hidden?

Interesting topic since I'm vaguely looking into buying a Linux 
compatible laptop.

No wifi or laptop yet (probably going to get one after Christmas). Since 
it will rarely be on the road I'll probably plug the laptop into my Lan 
via one of the ethernet cables I've got dangling, Medusa-like throughout 
the house under the carpet/through the ceiling.

That said, after I buy the lappy, I may donate my eldest PC to the Old 
Dear next door and buy a wireless router for my Lan (which is currently 
connected through a USB ADSL modem and aforementioned old Linux box) and 
a wifi card for said old PC. That way the Old Dear can use the internet 
via my connection.

As an added advantage I'll be able to surf the interwebs whilst on the 
toilet! (Sorry for the disturbing mental image ;))


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