norman wrote:
> Has anybody here installed Edubuntu, please and, if so, did you have any
> problems? I tried this evening and everything went well until I came to
> type in names and so forth. Instead of appearing in English everything I
> had typed came in what looked like Arabic. Nothing in life runs
> smoothly.

It rather sounds as if you inadvertently chose a non english language!

I have installed a number of edubuntu. They install just like 
ubuntu/kubuntu and use gnome just as straight ubuntu does.
They are aimed at children so the artwork is a bit more fancy. They 
also are geared for a client ('workstation') and server arrangement - 
for a class full of children if needed. I have only needed to use them 
as a stand alone PC - that is  'workstation'.
alan cocks
Kubuntu user#10391


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