On 14/11/2007, alan c <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> norman wrote:
> > Has anybody here installed Edubuntu, please and, if so, did you have any
> > problems? I tried this evening and everything went well until I came to
> > type in names and so forth. Instead of appearing in English everything I
> > had typed came in what looked like Arabic. Nothing in life runs
> > smoothly.
> It rather sounds as if you inadvertently chose a non english language!
> I have installed a number of edubuntu. They install just like
> ubuntu/kubuntu and use gnome just as straight ubuntu does.
> They are aimed at children so the artwork is a bit more fancy. They
> also are geared for a client ('workstation') and server arrangement -
> for a class full of children if needed. I have only needed to use them
> as a stand alone PC - that is  'workstation'.
> --
> alan cocks
> Kubuntu user#10391
> --
> ubuntu-uk@lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-uk
> https://wiki.kubuntu.org/UKTeam/

My son installed Edubuntu in a school library where he was working- no
problems, he was very enthusiastic....however the school was in the grip of
North Yorkshire and their fascination for Windows  and throwing away public
money on it.......and after he left I am sure they relapsed...sorry am off
the point .....he had no problems.



London School of Puppetry

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