the LCDProc and LIRC drivers it mentions? thats the problem. I dont know
what to do with them. Im quite new to ubuntu thats why! if anyone can help
me in that i would appereciate it!

I bought the case for £108 from eclipsecomputers. They have a website!. :)

On 14/11/2007, Rob Beard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Javad Ayaz wrote:
> > Ok i know ive asked this question before but i havnt found a
> > im going to ask again!
> >
> > Is there any way i can take advantage of the VFD in my case...My case is
> > a thermaltake mozart sx and it came with the Soundgraph imon software.
> > This software enabled my pc to display various info on a vfd!
> >
> > Does anyone know how i can utilize this in gutsy?
> >
> > Hoping someone can help!!!
> >
> > Javad
> >
> Hi Javad,
> Done a bit more searching and found this on the Phronix forums...
> If you look at the last post on the page, it seems that it is supported
> by the drivers I posted a link to.
> Hope this all helps.  By the way, how much did the case cost and where
> did you get it from (if you don't mind me asking?).
> Rob
> --

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