Chris Rowson wrote:
>> Chris Rowson wrote:
>>> On 11/24/07, Alan Pope <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> On Sat, Nov 24, 2007 at 05:20:51PM +0000, James Grabham wrote:
>>>>> If I get one, I was thinking f putting different OSs on SD cards,
>>>>> Ubuntu on one, win 2000 on another etc, is this feasable?  Would it be
>>>>> slow?
>>>> Yes. Not sure SD cards are not ideal for running an OS off of. They aren't
>>>> quick and will not last long with many write operations.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Al.
>>> I did wonder about that. This PC uses a solid state drive. Is that not
>>> similar to an SD card and hence will fail after x amount of write
>>> operations?
>> Basic technology of SD cards, USB thumb drives, and SSDs are similar and
>> all failures after x writes, although SSD with ware-leveling have
>> predicted life spans in excess of HDD or so the Internet tells me.
>> It's a big subject.  Here are a few references to be getting on with.
>> Just don't expect a £5.99 1G USB thumb drive to have similar life span
>> and responsiveness to a $999.00 64G SSD recently announced.
> Cool, interesting stuff there. I never knew that you could buy drop in
> replacement 2.5" solid state drives. I guess that if the eee is using
> the same type of thing, you could (if you needed more space or your
> SSD broke) just put in a standard laptop hard drive then?
You could except I doubt you can find sufficient space inside a eee 
case.  From the photos I've seen the SSD consists for 4 soldered in 
chips.  Much smaller than a 2.5 in drive, SSD or otherwise.


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