norman wrote:
> When I switch my computer on the first thing I expect to see is a screen
> about Intel and from which, if I so wish, I can access the bios set up.
> Since installing Edubuntu this does not happen. All I get is a blank
> screen plus an error message complaining about the video support. This
> eventually changes to the usual signing on screen and there are no more
> complaints. When I boot using Windows XP I get the Intel screen as
> expected.
> I know that Edubuntu performs as it should and there are no complaints
> but I do like things to be correct. What can I do to try to identify the
> problem and then put it right?
> Norman 
The symptoms you describe are strange in that the bios splash is 
affected, but a blank screen between booting and login could be down to 
usplash using an incorrect resolution. It should be set to the same as 
your X screen resolution at install time but I've had occasions where 
it's been set to something way beyond the graphics card and monitor 
capabilities on laptops and desktops.

The setting is in /etc/usplash.conf. If you change it, you must run 
'sudo update-initramfs -u' (no quotes) for it to take effect.

Hope this helps


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