err... think there's something called gnome-commander. Haven't tried it

Good luck :P

On Thu, 2007-12-06 at 16:35 +0000, Andrew Jenkins wrote:

> I'm starting to become happier with Gnome now I'm
> using it more, however there are bits of KDE which
> I've become so used to and I'm really missing them.
> The first (and only that comes to mind at the moment)
> is Nautilus v Konqueror.  In Konqueror I always had
> a two-pane (left-right) display to allow for very
> easy dragging and dropping between any two locations.
> I have set up a Desktop icon to run Konqueror in
> Gnome (with two panes) but was wondering if there is
> a way to have the same sort of function with Nautilus?
> Andy Jenkins.

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