Mac wrote:
> Alan Pope wrote:
>> On Thu, Dec 06, 2007 at 04:35:27PM +0000, Andrew Jenkins wrote:
>>> The first (and only that comes to mind at the moment)
>>> is Nautilus v Konqueror.  In Konqueror I always had
>>> a two-pane (left-right) display to allow for very
>>> easy dragging and dropping between any two locations.
>> You can do that in Nautilus too. Just choose "Tree" on the left hand pane.
> Or just open two instances of Nautilus, and drag-and-drop between them 
> to your hearts content!
> Mac
That was a habit I got out of when I ditched MS and Windows Explorer
around four years ago. Ah well, looks like I'll just stick with using
Konqueror, it does things so easily. After all the ability to have a
file browser pane and a connected FTP pane at the same time is
something I've become very used to. I'll have a play with the 'tree'
in Nautilus though.

Thanks to all who replied.

Andy Jenkins.


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