Kirrus wrote:
> Poll started today, will close on January 31st, so get your votes in now!
> I'll post the results here.
I think the categories are a bit broad - why not have 10 year gaps 
except the first gap?? You must be under 30 if you don't realise how big 
the gaps 31-50 and 51-70 are. Decades apart!

And what's wrong with 71-80 then 80+ ? (no not me).

And, to save us all being patronised to death, how about a 1- 10 for 
tech level?
Forget about employment, education etc.,  it's nobody's business

Hiya Mac not gonna let these whipper-snappers (under 30s) take us for 
granted on this list. I know there are some very 'techie' oldies here.



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