----- "Eddie Armstrong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Kirrus wrote:
> > Poll started today, will close on January 31st, so get your votes in
> now!
> > I'll post the results here.
> >
> >   
> I think the categories are a bit broad - why not have 10 year gaps 
> except the first gap?? You must be under 30 if you don't realise how
> big 
> the gaps 31-50 and 51-70 are. Decades apart!
> And what's wrong with 71-80 then 80+ ? (no not me).

Mainly, I picked larger gaps deliberately, because I didn't want to use 
too-small a selection, and have people pick the "don't want to answer". As a 
rule, the younger generations are less likely you are to worry about giving out 
their age range, and this is more for broad demographics rather than small and 
detailed. (Each early option covers a life range: compulsory education almost 
certain live-at-home | almost-adult usually college/sixthform/uni, usually part 
live-at-home, part live away | adults, usually away from birth-home, but not 
always). Thinking about it, I probably should have picked 10 year jumps. 

70+ was because I know very few people older than 70 who will go near a 
computer, and that is past normal retirement age (~65)

> And, to save us all being patronised to death, how about a 1- 10 for 
> tech level?
> Forget about employment, education etc.,  it's nobody's business

Hence the "don't want to answer" option ;). Its there, as its a useful 
demographic stat: seeing in what stage of life each respondent is in, rather 
than their education level.
I could add a tech level option, interesting idea. Generally, education level 
means nothing to techyness: I've got A-levels, no degrees, yet I was the only 
non-graduate interviewee for my current job.

> Hiya Mac not gonna let these whipper-snappers (under 30s) take us for
> granted on this list. I know there are some very 'techie' oldies
> here.

Unfortunately, now we've got 20+ respondents, changing or adding to the poll 
isn't really feasible. I'd need to start a new one, and I'm not sure whether 
people would fill it all out all over again now. Maybe in a years time I'll 
re-run it :)

Mac: I'm 20 (21 fairly soon), and yes, I'm very techie

Kind Regards,


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Captain Senaris Vlenn, CO, USS Sarek
Lt Aieron Peters, XO DS5


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