On 27/12/2007, Sean Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yes, Tony... I suspect that one or more of the installed scripts are the
> issue but not sure where to find out for sure... would be difficult to turn
> to a customer and say "sorry, you can't have your phpBB forum" unless I knew
> for sure what it was they were exploiting - anyway, I'd rather patch it than
> tell people they can't have things (at least in the first instance).
> Sean
> --
> ubuntu-uk@lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-uk
> https://wiki.kubuntu.org/UKTeam/
How interesting, I have over 9 phpbb installations running across my web
server running cent, and no such processes have been found running on my

Kris Douglas
      Softdel Limited Hosting Services

      Web: www.softdel.net

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