I have a confession to make... I... I...

  I use AOL


But it's due to BT being a bunch of [insert chosen expletive]. Where I live I can only get 1/2mb broadband and BT wanted to charge me £27/mth for it. Even though people were getting 8mb for £27! So my only other (unlimited) alternative was AOL, £17/mth and no cap.

I have to be honest, in the past few years with them I've had no down time at all.

Only fault with them is their God awful AOL browser thing. And you really need to run that thing at least once to set up a decent (secure) log in, I did it that once back when I was dual booting. Not sure if the browser thing runs in WINE, but once you have a secure username and password set you can use a router/modem to do the logging in. I use Linux 24/7 with AOL and it's dandy.

  But keep it to yourself, don't go telling everyone I use AOL!  ;D

  Quoting Matthew Macdonald-Wallace <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Hi All,

I've just moved to wales and because I didn't finish the 12 months
contract on my broadband with Plus.net they're going to charge me the
privilige of £145.00 to move my broadband even though I want to keep
them as a supplier!!!

AOL are currently offering a free dell 1520 laptop (now discontinued!)
and my wife has suggested taking the broadband offer, selling the
laptop and making some cash.

I like the idea, however I cringe when I think about using AOL, does
anyone have any advice?


Matthew Macdonald-Wallace
GPG KEY: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xFEA1BC16[1]


[1] http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xFEA1BC16
[2] https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-uk
[3] https://wiki.kubuntu.org/UKTeam/


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