On Tue, 2008-02-26 at 19:14 +0000, Rob Beard wrote:
> On Tue, 2008-02-26 at 18:53 +0000, Alan Pope wrote:
> > I'm thinking about starting a new sport called Ubuntu Spotting. Using your 
> > keen eye, look out for indications of Ubuntu use in every day life. Points 
> > are awarded for spotting:-
> > 
> > * Machines running Ubuntu
> > * Articles about Ubuntu in mainstream press
> > * Official Ubuntu "shipit" CDs
> > * Overhearing people talking about Ubuntu
> > * Spotting references to Ubuntu on other peoples computers
> > * (suggestions?)
> > 


Got another one, technically not Ubuntu, but Linux (or at least KDE by
the looks of things).

If anyone is a 24 fan and has the Season 3 box set, check out Episode 1
about 2 minutes 43 seconds in and see what is on the laptop screen.

Looks to me like the K from KDE, possibly KDE3.



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