Rob Beard wrote:
> The final thing I can think of is Moodle (which is included with 
> Karoshi) which is a complete Virtual Learning Environment.  It's free 
> and runs on Ubuntu and most other flavours of Linux.  I've had a bit of 
> a play with it but not being an expert I'm not sure how well it would 
> fit a schools needs, but as far as I know it is used in schools in this 
> country and around the world.

My old school use Moodle as a VLE with great success, other schools in
the area paid quite a bit of cash for software which was not nearly as
good as Moodle and they were all mostly in awe. It must be said it was
running off the back of Win 2k server and IIS5. This is in a very much
Microsoft institution, although we did make use of other OSS programmes
but not as many as I wanted.



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