Stephen O'Neill wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Iain Lane wrote:
> | How odd. A school wouldn't expect to hire a teacher who couldn't teach,
> | so why would it hire a network admin who can't run the software on its
> | machines? If this is happening, then there is a problem with the hiring
> | of technical staff who do not have the appropriate skillset.
> I hear that a number of network admins are teachers that fell into the
> role part time through a coincidence of knowing how to use a computer,
> not because of their being specialists. I imagine that it's only the
> larger schools that have budgets to staff the role full time, and I
> haven't personal experience of how they go about filling their positions.

That's exactly the case where my friend's wife is concerned.  She knows 
bits about IT but nothing too technical.  Luckily her other half knows a 
bit more about IT and anything he doesn't understand he asks me :-)

Of course I always put my (virtual) Ubuntu hat on and suggest doing 
things with Ubuntu (or some other Linux distro), even if it's on the 
backend systems.



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