On Sun, 2008-05-18 at 17:16 +0200, Wolf Canis wrote:
> Alan Pope wrote:
> > On Sun, 2008-05-18 at 15:08 +0200, Wolf Canis wrote:
> >> leads, is, I think, known. Ignorance starts always in small steps and
> >> after a while you have a really worse situation. The worst example is
> >> surely WW2.
> Alan please, do you don't think that the quote is
> now a little bit out of context?

As you've probably figured out from Godwins Law wiki page, as soon as
you start talking about WW2/Nazis you lose the argument.


> > 
> > Epic fail.

> Thanks for the link. One is never finished with learning.
> But you are shooting with cannon on sparrows.

I'm not shooting at anyone. Merely pointing out that bringing up
something as atrocious as the second world war when talking about
top-posting really isn't appropriate in my opinion.


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