Michael G Fletcher wrote:
>> I've been experimenting with a single 8.04 machine running FF3.
>> Bookmarks work properly if the profile is on the machine itself.  When I
>> move the profile to the network drive, FF3 appears to run OK, but I
>> cannot add, delete or organise bookmarks - which rather defeats the
>> whole object!
>>  <ubuntu-uk@lists.ubuntu.com>
> This may be obvious and you covered it already, but does the machine running
> FF3 have write permission to where the bookmarks are stored on the network?

Update on this experiment:

I can run FF3 (including adding and removing bookmarks) perfectly with 
the profile on a jump drive (msdos format);  but I can't get a networked 
profile to handle bookmarks.  (Network drive is FAT32 accessed via 
Samba;  Thunderbird profile there works perfectly.)

I am now completely stumped by this, and any suggestions would be very 

(In practice, I now know my various computers can share an FF3 profile 
and bookmarks off a jump drive.  But I'd still like to understand what 
the problem is with the network drive method - especially as this is the 
Mozilla-recommended way of sharing a profile.  And yes, I did ask on the 
forums there - no replies at all!)



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