Stephen O'Neill wrote:
> Seif Attar wrote:
> > any other suggestions on how to troubleshoot this? maybe benchmarking
> > software for ubuntu?
> My immediate suspicion is that your PSU isn't up to scratch. Try putting
> in another or if you can't try removing superfluous hardware like drives
> and cards.
> That said, if memtest is always crashing at exactly the same point then
> it perhaps isn't that.

Thanks for all who replied, I have 3 hard drives connected to the
machine, 2 sata and one usb2 external storage. I am replacing the GPU
today, a colleague of mine will give him a psu that he has, will try
that tomorrow. Hopefully those changes will resolve it, if not, I'll try
from a live cd. problem is the crashes are random, and they happen every
1-2 days, so there is a long waiting time between 1 attempt and the other.
will keep you updated,

thanks again,
Seif A,


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