On 2 Nov 2008 at 19:53, John wrote:

> I posted earlier this afternoon about a problem, but not sure if it got 
> to you, so I will post it again, hopefully it will. Its the first time 
> I've posted on here.
> I tried to install 8.10 on my laptop but when the desktop tried to open, 
> it sticks, and it wont start. I wondered if it was a problem with my 
> laptop or if it was another problem. Can any body help please.
> Thank you.
> John.

What make/model is your laptop?  (These problems are often 
hardware related.) 

Is this the first time you have installed Ubuntu on it?  Or was it an 
upgrade? If not an upgrade, how did you install it?

If you do Ctrl-Alt-1, do you get a console?

It would be a good idea to post this (with the sort of details above) on  




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