norman wrote:
> After months of trying I have finally got my little brother, who is in
> his seventies, to join the 21st century and he has installed Ubuntu 8.04
> (no newfangled stuff like 8.10 for him) along with his XP. Now, big
> brother is inundated with questions most of which, fortunately, I can
> answer. However, now I am stumped, he wants to listen to BBC radio on
> the BBC website, something I do not do. I have tried Google but am
> mightily confused so could some kind person suggest somethings he might
> try, please.
> Norman

Funny you should say about not using 8.10, I'm sure I noticed something 
on the Ubuntu site about some add-on to Totem which meant that Ubuntu 
8.10 users could play stuff directly from the BBC?



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