On Mon, Dec 01, 2008 at 01:52:42PM +0000, Rob Beard wrote:
> I'm currently running an Athlon X2 3800+ and that seems pretty quick  
> (I did have a Phenom X4 9600 but it died over the weekend and the  
> Athlon X2 was the only thing I had which could chuck in the board).  I  
> could also recommend the Pentium Dual Core chips as they're also  
> pretty quick (I had one before upgrading to the Phenom, it's now  
> sitting in my wife's PC).

I've not really found a massive multi-core chip to be needed on a modern
Linux desktop, recently I've moved over to an Atom processor on my desktop,
this board:


Works beautifully under Ubuntu and Debian for me and the whole system runs
with an 80W power supply, rather than the hundreds of Watts these big rig 
machines use.

Gav Ford
I think we need to:  Reverse the polarity of the communications circuit

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