On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 5:41 PM, Simon Wears <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> Yes, the first thing I did was check for a BIOS update to solve my
> problems. It currently has 512mb RAM in it, because that's all I have spare
> for it at the moment, but I plan on putting about 4G into it soon, when I
> have time to go buy some. So, I figure its worth installing the 64 bit
> version for now, to save me reinstalling Ubuntu when I get my new RAM.
> Cheers for the help =)
> Simon
Hi Simon,

Don't forget that you can run the 4GB with 32bit too should you so choose!
>From discussion here and elsewhere, as I see it you just need to weigh up
the choices...

64bit = a little bit less 'seasoned' than 32bit, some software requiring
more memory to run, less software choice etc.
32bit = a little less use out of your CPU, but less chance of software

As Tony and I were discussing, you should be able to see your 4GB of RAM
under the 32bit kernel anyway, just as Tony suggested that each process will
able to use a couple of gig (although if you only have 4GB or RAM, you won't
ever be allocating all of that to one process anyway).

Good luck


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