The machine I am writing this on has been playing up for a long, long time and 
each time I switch on I wait in trepidation to see whether or not it will 
actually boot up.  Usually it does but I have to accept that it is coming to 
the end of its life.

I have a Windows XP machine, which I've never actually opened up.   I propose 
to remove the master drive from the Linux machine on which Ubuntu is installed 
and insert it into the Windows one.  It will then become the slave drive.

What I would like to know is how to create a new MBR on the Windows machine as 
I shall wish it to boot up into Ubuntu for 95% of the time.

Any advice/assistance will be gratefully accepted.


Keith Bowerman,
Prestwood, south Staffs, England.
Using Ubuntu 8.10 on a Linux only machine.


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