On 09/02/2009 21:50, Alan Pope wrote:
> 2009/2/9 Paul Sutton<zl...@zleap.net>:
>> I am sure if one was organised there are enough of us here, on both
>> lists to have a good presence to represent free software.
> I applaud your optimism. Past history indicates this isn't necessarily
> an accurate prediction of the future.
> Go with it though, it's certainly worth pursuing.
> Cheers,
> Al.
I did briefly look into running a computer fair down here in Devon 
although the costs on hiring a big enough venue were pretty high.  Not 
too bad if you have the money to spend on such a project (say paying for 
room hire, insurance etc in advance) and then approaching local computer 
sellers (or even sellers nearer to Bristol even) but I certainly 
couldn't afford the costs involved (I think the hire of the room for a 
day was close to £1000).  Not sure if it's worth contacting some of the 
local computer busineses anyway and see if they'd be interested in a 
smaller venue, the Exwick Community Centre would be big enough for a 
small fair with maybe around 10 companies.

But then you have the cost of advertising such an event in the local 
paper and maybe some of the more specalist computer magazines such as 




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