Kev wrote:
> I've lost the old e-mails - what version are you running - do you have 
> universe enabled ?
> The link I gave goes back to gutsy
> Kev
> John wrote:
>> Hi, thank you for the quick reply. I have that in front of me now, and 
>> it says No matching Application Available.
>> That's what I have been getting. :(
>> John
>> Simon Wears wrote:
>>> Load up add/remove programs, then next to the search bar at the top is  
>>> a drop menu. Click that, and change it to "all avaliable  
>>> applications", and search for Lightening again.
>>> Sorry if you've already tried that!
>>> On 13 Feb 2009, at 11:39, John <> <> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Simon Wears wrote:
>>>>> Hi John
>>>>> Check the Lightening website for a .deb download - .deb files are
>>>>> basically installers for Debian based systems (such as Ubuntu). I  
>>>>> just
>>>>> went on the website to have a look for a link for you, but when I
>>>>> click download (even on the linux version) it redirects me to the
>>>>> Windows download (currently on a Windows laptop).
>>>>> Not too sure about the addon though.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> -- 
>>>>> Simon Wears
>>>>> <> |
>>>> Hi, thank you all for your messages. I have tried everything that you
>>>> have posted but when I try install, nothing. I looked in the
>>>> Repositories, and Lightening isnt in there, at least I cant find it,  
>>>> so
>>>> looked on the site, and that is where it wont install from.
>>>> I really need this to work, as I rely on my calendar, my memory is  
>>>> not good.
>>>> I will keep trying though.
>>>> John
>>>> -- 
>>>> <>
Hi, well, I have been trying everything that you have all suggested, and 
I have a few problems. The Lightning 0.9 wont work with this version of 
Firefox and Ubuntu 8.10. Doesnt matter how much I've tried it just wont 
work. The version in the repositories works, but it wont work with the 
google calendar, its showing errors all over the place. I am wondering 
if I can find a older version of the google provider, to work with the 
older version of Lightning. Also, Caldev? only works with Sunbird, not 
lightning, according to the Mozilla people. So, I still havent been able 
to work out how to get the calendar working, which is a bit frustrating.

I hope I have explained that right now.



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