On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 11:24 AM, John <jake...@sky.com> wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> sorry I havent been around much, I havent been very well, and had to
> leave this.
> I have managed to work out this page
> http://www.pharscape.org/networkmanager-0.7.0-and-3g-wwan-modems.html
> till I get to where it says 'Disabling ZeroCD. I have uploaded the
> ozerocdoff file, but it asks you to install it, but I've tried using the
> Deb installer, but it doesnt recognise it. How can I install it. I think
> once I've installed this, then I am almost there, with what I need to
> get this to work. Anybody have any ideas?
> I would be really grateful for the help.
> John.
> --

I think you need to compile the source code.  you will have downloaded
the file udev.tar.gz (i think)

Open a terminal and cd into the folder that has the file, eg if it is
on your desktop, you would go

cd /home/username/Desktop    (replace username with your username)

then you need to unpack the contents,

tar zxf udev.tar.gz

go to the new folder

cd udev

then you need to compile the source,

sudo make

sudo make install

that should do it :-)


Michael Fletcher

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