On 25/02/2009 15:19, Jon Reynolds wrote:
> Hi all,
> I would like to add something to this, although not entirely relevant to 
> Rowan's case, but it reminds me of a lot of people thinking when it comes to 
> adopting Linux.
> I have tried, half-heartedly, to get family members to switch to Ubuntu, or 
> even just try it out for a while, thinking once they've used it for a while 
> they will convert. My father, for example, seems genuinely keen to give it a 
> go; he isn't a 'why would I want anything but windows' person, he is quite 
> open minded to the open source community, but as a basic user has a bit of 
> fear of the unknown.
> His reason for not trying is support. Now for most of us that's not an 
> issue... we have a problem, we go on the web and find a solution. He is not 
> like that, not capable of that and not inclined to want to do that. How he 
> works at the moment and how he wants to continue to work, is that if 
> something goes wrong with the computer, if he can't solve it over the phone 
> with me, he just drops it into his local computer shop and says 'fix it'.
> I am not sure on the capabilities of the local computer shop, but assuming 
> they are Windows people, then he is right in as far as what does a new linux 
> user do when things go wrong? I think this puts off a lot of people even 
> trying.. because of the 'what if something goes wrong'.
> Perhaps most local computer shops are full of linux buffs anyway and they 
> would be happier to fix his pc if it was linux rather than windows...?
> Jon Reynolds
I think it certainly helps if you're near to a local LUG, but I guess 
for some new users they might not know where to look to find a LUG (or 
even what a LUG is).  I can't speak for general computer magazines (I 
only get Retro Gamer and Linux Format) but I certainly do like the idea 
that Linux Format does (or at least did, IIRC how it's changed) have a 
directory of LUGs across the country, or at least details of how to find 
a local LUG for support.

I found when I seriously started using Linux (rather than dual booting 
and poking around with RedHat) that my local LUG was a great source for 
help with members willing to help out either via e-mail or in person (be 
it popping over to my place or meeting at a LUG meet).  With regards to 
my own local LUG (Devon & Cornwall LUG), I can't help think we could do 
with a bit more promotion to the masses.  Luckily I think we're slowly 
getting the word out a bit better especially now we have more venues.



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