Hi folks,

I was wondering if anyone could advise on this...

Basically I'm in the process of putting together a server for work.  At 
the moment they backup their existing server to a 160GB USB drive but 
I'm looking to put some bigger discs in this new server.  Now to 
hopefully make backups easier (for the users) I was hoping to setup two 
drives internally in the server in a mirrored array but I wondered if it 
was also possible to use a third drive in a mirror too (so basically one 
drive mirrors to two other drives).

The idea I had was if this is possible, I could attach one of the drives 
externally via eSATA so it can be taken off site and in the event of a 
server failure this off site backup could be plugged in and the server 
could be back up and running in minutes rather than a good few hours of 
re-installation (I was thinking of having two external drives so they 
can be alternatively swapped every day).



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