On 02/03/2009 12:18, Andrew Oakley wrote:
> Alan Pope wrote:
>> "mdadm"
> Yus.
>> Of course as soon as you add the disk back into the array you're going
>> to cause a boatload of IO as the array resyncs from the internal disks
>> back out to the external one, and that's going to happen _every_ time
>> you plug the disk(s) in.
> I've used Linux Software RAID 1 for more than five years now, and you're
> absolutely right that a re-sync does indeed cause a boatload of IO,
> unavoidably, every time. For upwards of twenty minutes or more, in many
> cases.
I guess the drive could be swapped first thing in the morning (5:30am) 
or last thing at night (about 10pm) where there is hardly anyone around 
(it's a radio station, and there's generally only two people in at 5:30am).
> However it was also been my experience that this has little or
> negligable impact on the responsiveness of the desktop system. Linux
> multi-tasks REALLY well.
> The only time I've noticed it - other than the HD LED flashing and the
> disk being a bit noisy -  was when I tried to do something else really,
> really IO intensive at the same time, such as moving several hundred
> gigs of data about whilst the resync was underway (eg. copying a movie
> to a different filesystem). Then, that process runs slow.
The idea of the server is to run Zimbra and host some samba shares (it's 
going to replace an unreliable Windows 2003 Server on an old P4).  At 
the moment the existing Windows server runs like a dog the majority of 
the time.  The other day I checked it in the afternoon and it was still 
running a backup which had started at 9pm the previous day.

I just want something nice and simple for the staff to use.  I guess 
technically it would be possible to start the script via a basic web 
interface (and with my HTML skills it will be really really basic).



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