Do you know if the EULA allows me to resell it?

2009/3/4 Sean Miller <>:
> On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 9:49 AM, Jason Liquorish <> wrote:
>> This is exactly what I got told for my HP laptop, and when I rang MS I
>> got told it was HPs problem. Unless you have the time and patients to
>> take this as far as possible and you document you removing XP etc. then
>> unfortunately I doubt you are going to get far.
> Do you need to provide a stethascope or something to prove you've
> patients, or what? ;-)
> Seriously, I wouldn't really bother to try to get a refund for OEM
> Windows as (generally) laptops or whatever with Windows installed
> seldom cost much more than those without...  I would imagine that any
> "refund" would be minimal, and there's probably better things to do
> with your time.
> PCs have virtually become disposable entities these days.  I have a
> friend who runs a PC repair shop and he's struggling because you can
> buy a new base unit for about £150 whereas putting in a new
> motherboard will probably cost £100 once you factor in labour -- it
> simply isn't worth repairing the things.   When you've paid £1,000 for
> a PC it's worth it, if you've only paid £200 it just ain't.
> Deflation in the PC market is alarming.   Laptops at £250 in Tesco,
> what's that about?
> Sean
> --


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