Indeed, I was laboring under a misconception there. It sounds quite
straightforward, when you explain it like that ...

On Mon, 2009-03-09 at 12:13 +0000, Michael G Fletcher wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 9, 2009 at 11:48 AM, Rowan Berkeley
> <> wrote:
> > I wouldn't mind installing 8.10, and then I could run all the updates as
> > and when they appear, and enjoy all the cutting edge improvements. But
> > it's true that I do not know whether the non-default interface driver
> > was necessitated by the particular interface card used by Compal, the
> > manufacturer of the machine, in which case my problem would re-appear
> > even on 8.10, wouldn't it?
> >
> > I didn't try running the kernel re-install disc, because then I would
> > have had to find all the essential applications somehow, including the
> > one needed to find them online, i.e., the Internet browser, it seems to
> > me, whereas I would hope that a complete new install of 8.10 would
> > include a browser. To be stuck without a browser and without an
> > installable version on disc ready in advance would be fatal, wouldn't
> > it?
> >
> Ah, I think I see where your reluctance to install a fresh and new
> Ubuntu stems from - you are still completely engrossed in the windows
> model of computing.
> 1. Installing Ubuntu from the CD (downloaded off the website) will
> give you a fully function computer.  by default practically everything
> you need is installed.  things like firefox, openoffice, synaptic and
> many many more applications will be ready to go from the very
> beginning!  With windows all you get is a basic operating system.
> 2. If you download 8.10, burn it to CD, insert it into your CD drive
> and reboot the machine (I think you mentioned pressing F12 and
> selecting boot from CD) you will have an option there to "try Ubuntu
> without changing anything.." or something to that effect.  this is
> called running a LiveCD - it basically gives you a picture of how
> Ubuntu will work on your machine (only a little slower cause it needs
> to constantly load info from the CD) but it will show you if the
> network driver that installs will work with your laptop.  So whilst
> running the LiveCD, plug in the network cable and see if you have
> internet connectivity.  if it works, then double click the install
> item.  If it doesn't work, reboot, remove the CD and your computer is
> exactly the same as you left! (I hope I'm not being condescending my
> possibly explaining something that you already know!)
> Cheers
> --Michael


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