On Sat, 21 Mar 2009 10:05:39 -0000, Tim Powys-Lybbe <t...@southfarm.plus.com> 

> In message of 21 Mar, "ged byrom" <ged.by...@ntlworld.com> wrote:
>> Is there any special reason for naming this release after a mythical
>> beastie rather than a real beastie ? Are we likely to see the haggis
>> release or the even rarer mirk in the future ?
> This sparks off a whole canon of inspiration:
>   B is for Basilisk
>   C is for Centaur,
>   D is for Dragon (but not Kimono)
>   G is for Gryphon
>   M is for Mermaid
>   P is for Phoenix
>   S is for Sphinx
>   U is for Unicorn
>   W is for Wyvern
>   Y is for Yeti
> I know the first four are already past, but the alphabet will have to
> come round again.
> And what else?

I've just done a quick google and came up with this site.


There's one for every occasion there.


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