2009/4/27 Tim Dobson <li...@tdobson.net>:
> Lucy wrote:
>> Certainly, I don't remember so
>> much positive buzz around the last Fedora release and the last Debian
>> release seemed to create plenty of negativity.
> With all due respect, I do not agree with this at all.
> While I was at FOSDEM this year, in the build up to the Debian Lenny
> release, I hung out with a load of Debian Devs.
> Despite declaring Lenny stable being more of a formality for the
> developers than anything else, the atmosphere was electric..

You were at a Free and Open Source Developers Meeting, where I am not
surprised there was some excitement around the Lenny release.

I didn't see that translate into the "real world" in the way it did
with Ubuntu, and I haven't seen many reports of Fedora release parties

There's a big difference between insular excitement ad a developer
conference and "real world" excitement involving users of the

> In two->three years time, when I expect Squeeze will be released, I for
> one will be celebrating the release, and I hope many Ubuntu users will
> join me. :)

In the mean time you're welcome at the 4 or more release parties
Ubuntu will have between now and then :) It goes both ways.



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