2009/4/27 Alan Pope <a...@popey.com>:
> > 2009/4/27 Tim Dobson <li...@tdobson.net>:
> >> While I was at FOSDEM this year, in the build up to the Debian Lenny
> >> release, I hung out with a load of Debian Devs.
> >> Despite declaring Lenny stable being more of a formality for the
> >> developers than anything else, the atmosphere was electric..
> >>
> >
> > You were at a Free and Open Source Developers Meeting, where I am not
> > surprised there was some excitement around the Lenny release.
> >
> > I didn't see that translate into the "real world" in the way it did
> > with Ubuntu, and I haven't seen many reports of Fedora release parties
> > either.
> >
> > There's a big difference between insular excitement ad a developer
> > conference and "real world" excitement involving users of the
> > software.
> Agreed. I don't doubt that there was some excitement amongst
> developers and that the developers are lovely, friendly people.
> However, it doesn't get translated out to the rest of the world as
> much as it should. I've never felt the Debian community to be
> particularly welcoming, as an outsider, and what I hear from news
> sites/blogs tends to involve a lot of arguments/negativity rather than
> their positive achievements.
> >> In two->three years time, when I expect Squeeze will be released, I for
> >> one will be celebrating the release, and I hope many Ubuntu users will
> >> join me. :)
> >>
> I'd certainly go along to a Debian release party and I look forward to
> you organising it ;)
<jk> Well you're all invited to my Windows 7 release party anyway.... </jk>


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