On Sat, May 9, 2009 at 11:11 AM, Rik Boland <rik_bol...@btinternet.com> wrote:
> Hi
> I got a router free when I got my broadband but shops sell routers.
> Why and what the difference - r they better?
> Also is there a way to make my wired printer wireless?
> Shalom
> --
>          Rik Boland
> 15 Stanley Place, Lancaster, LA1 5NP
>         07866439588
> --
> ubuntu-uk@lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-uk
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/
The router that ASDL companies give you are often very basic, with
little control of more advanced functions. They can also be a bit
flaky(Depends on who the router was made by), so purchasing a new one
can give you more features such as advanced firewall rules and VOIP
functions. If you are happy with the stability and don't use the
advanced features then the one you have should be fine.

If the printer has an ethernet port, just plug it in to the
router(Which I assume is wireless?) and you can print over the network
wirelessly- Depending on the printer it may take a bit of fiddling
around with, but Ubuntu is usually good at picking up printers- far
better than the windows printer setup. If the printer only has a
USB/Parallel port then you have two options. The cheapest in the short
term is to plug the printer into a desktop machine, and share it
across the network. Printing does require the machine to be switched
on when you need to print though. The second option is to get a print
server, which is basically a box with a USB/parallel port at one end
and an ethernet at the other. Plug the printer in one end and the
router in the other. You can get wireless versions, but they are
pretty expensive. Some routers are also starting to have a built in
printer server, so one of these may be an option. Some printers can be
a bit fussy about this, so it's probably best to have a google before
buying anything to check that it will work.

HTH, Matt.


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