Matt Jones wrote:
> On Sat, May 9, 2009 at 11:37 AM, John <> wrote:
>> Isnt there something about companies restricting you from buying routers
>> apart from theirs. I belong to Sky, and if Sky found out I had a
>> different Router than theirs they would cut me off. There is a way to
>> get the username and password that comes with my router, but I am afraid
>> to actually go into that just in case I mess it up. I am sure that most
>> companies wont allow you to change routers. Which is stupid really
>> considering the ones they give you are so basic.
>> John.
>> Steve Archer wrote:
>>> Hi Rik
>>> Most routers, both wired and wireless, are pretty much standard models
>>> that you can buy in the shop.
>>> The emphasis being on the word "standard" - if you have some
>>> fancy-fandangle adapter running an uncertified wifi standard to squeeze
>>> some more speed out of the connection (supposedly) then its likely
>>> you'll want a compatible router. Which on the whole wouldn't be a router
>>> issued by an ISP.
>>> My advice, if they're giving it away free then give it a go - likely its
>>> pre-configured and ready to rock-n-roll.
>>> If you want a bit more out of your wireless, like you're streaming media
>>> throughout your house and several devices then do some research and get
>>> the most appropriate router for your needs - be prepared to give your
>>> wallet a severe bashing.
>>> And remember, chances are your internet connection is less then 20meg,
>>> and 802.11g is supposed to be 54meg, so there's really no need to go for
>>> an all-singing all-dancing super-fast wireless router just for browsing
>>> the net.
>>> One caveat to this. If you are running services behind your routers,
>>> like web hosting, and you want additional control and security then you
>>> might want to look at a more funtional router.
>>> As for your printer, I concur with Harry's comments.
>>> Cheers, Steve
>>> Rik Boland wrote:
>>>> Hi
>>>> I got a router free when I got my broadband but shops sell routers.
>>>> Why and what the difference - r they better?
>>>> Also is there a way to make my wired printer wireless?
>>>> Shalom
>> --
> Not for most ISPs, they give you a Username/password that you know. I
> don't know why Sky does that, do they try to upsell routers?
> Matt.
Getting support on that forum isnt easy, they are not very friendly. 
Plus, sky are really strict when it comes to their policies, I do know 
one person on that forum that does have a different router, and he's 
managed to hide it from sky. The username and password you are given, is 
different to the username and password for the router. I did look at the 
instructions on how to retrieve the information, and for me it is really 
complicated, and I just trust myself, just in case. Its only recently 
that they have been able to after your 1 years guarantee made it 
possible to get a new router if the old one broke, it just wasnt 
possible. There is a long thread on there somewhere with disgruntled 
users not being able to get a new router. I had one break just before 
the years guarantee ran out, but not since. That was hard work trying to 
get them to change it, I only managed to change it because they sent me 
two, when I first joined. I have not really had many problems with sky 
broadband, thank goodness.



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